Friday, April 23, 2010

Taking our eyes off Jesus

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is the one where the disciples were in the boat when a storm took over and the wind was blowing hard. Jesus saw the wind taking over the small boat and began to walk on the water towards the boat. The disciples became frightened and said this must be a ghost but Jesus said do not be frightened it is I. Peter said to Jesus, if it is you Lord call me out on the water. Jesus said come and Peter started to walk on the water towards Jesus. As he was coming closer to the Lord he became frightened of the wind and started to sink. Peter cried out to the Lord and said Lord save me I’m sinking. Jesus put His hand out to Peter and grabbed a hold of Him and the Lord said to Peter, you of little faith, why did you doubt? Matthew 14-27:31

The reason I like this passage so much is because it is so true to life. When my eyes are fixed on the Lord, all goes well but when I take my eyes off the Lord, I start to fall and my life gets difficult. Like Peter, when he took his eyes off the Lord he started to sink and his life was in danger. My life too gets all muddled up and crazy when I forget to abide in the Lord. In other words, when I stop reading my bible or doing my daily devotions, my life can get hard to live. Things start to go wrong and I am left wondering why. Then it dawns on me how far apart from the Lord I have become. The Lord tells us to rely on Him and to depend on Him solely. He is our comforter and our counselor. He alone can take our lives and do miraculous things with it. Without Him we are nothing but with Him we can accomplish much.

This was a hard lesson for me to learn and I still at times go my own way forgetting that I have a loving Father who is right there at my fingertips waiting to straighten my paths and give light to my feet. Like the Israelites, He’s got my back and He’s got my front if I only remember that He’s in charge of my life and that I am not. Life is hard enough to do it on my own but with the Lord’s help, my life becomes manageable.

Sometimes I doubt that the Lord will fix things or make things work out. His time is not my time and I wonder at times what is taking Him so long to work things out.
Like with my new Internet business, I’ve got a great website but not a lot of buyers and I wonder if this was a smart move to make. I’ve been unemployed for a year and a half now and started spending my savings to become self employed. That’s when I decided to create a Christian website. I’ve always wanted to do something for God’s Kingdom and creating this site gives me a chance to reach out to others through my blogs and my website.

I continue to pray and reach out to the Lord and ask Him, what are the ways I can make my website stand out from all the other Christian websites? I am waiting on His answer and doing everything possible to make a living. But things are hard right now and it is easy to take my eyes off the Lord and go my own way. But when I do and things don’t work out I become bitter with the Lord and question His timing on things. I began to doubt Him. Right now is the time I need to keep my eyes fixed on the Lord because He’s the one that can make things work out not me.

If you would like to learn ways to keep your eyes fixed on the Lord, the Bible has been my greatest comfort and promise. God promises me that He will take care of me and that He will never leave me. I know that in my business He will come through for me.

If you are experiencing these same difficulties, the Bible would be the first reference to go to. I also have daily devotions on my website you can check out. Go to and check out all the Bibles, books, and devotionals I have.

Thank you and God Bless…